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Property Management

Property Management

For our more than 20 years experience and practice, we provide the following professional services through our dedicated team of professionals:-

Comprehensive Property and Facilities Management Services

 > for high-rise complexes, condominiums and mixed-use stratified developments;

Consultancy Services

> Developers in the convening and facilitating of the First AGM of Joint Management Body and Management Corporation;

> For the convening and facilitating of AGMs and EGMs for Joint Management Body, Management Corporation and Subsidiary Management Corporation;

> For the creation of Subsidiary Management Corporations and Limited Common Properties in a mixed-use stratified development area;

> The handing over of maintenance and management of common property from developer to Joint Management Body or Management Corporation;

> Property and facilities management inputs at the planning and design stage for proposed stratified development areas;

> Formulation of equitable share units in mixed-use stratified development area pursuant to the Strata Titles Rules 2015;

> Conducting professional in-house training and seminars for developers on the Strata Management Act 2013 [Act 757], Strata Management (Maintenance and Management) Regulations 2015 and Strata Management (Strata Management Tribunal) Regulations 2015;

> Preparation of operating budget for the management and maintenance of stratified development area;

> Issues and problems related to the management and maintenance of common property pursuant to the Strata Management Act 2013 [Act 757] and its regulations.


The Building Management portfolio is carried out by the Operations function. The duties as well as responsibilities of the Operational function of a building under our management includes:

  1. Monitoring and overview the common areas to use by the residents.
  2. Engaging the monthly panel workforce of the building (i.e. security guards, cleaners, housekeeping, etc.)
  3. Enhance and implement a set of House Rules for the regulated use and enjoyment of the occupation and use of buildings, car parks, recreational facilities.
  4. Observe and reviews to place orders for operational signages, operational equipment and stock-in-hand maintenance materials and fittings such as floor tiles, paints, electrical and plumbing accessories
  5. Formulated the  management systems for daily operations, including security guards, defect and incident reporting, emergency repairs, complaints, fire evacuation, entrance and exit control, effective communication, etc.


The duties and responsibilities of the Maintenance function include the following:

  1. Monitoring the required service performance and supplies contractors, i.e. cleaning, security, refuse collection, car park equipment maintenance, M&E system maintenance, and to prepare tender specifications and documents, tender out, analyse returned tenders, negotiate tender prices and recommend/select contractors.
  2. Oversee and check the handover of premises to occupants and supervise fit out/alterations/renovations in accordance with the rules and regulations governing occupation.
  3. Scheduling working hours for the building maintenance staffs or workers, especially if shift work is involved.
  4. Daily schedule check and monitor the water level.
  5. Daily schedule check the common lighting. 

Your Solutions start with Us

We are Specialty Perform Managing as you needed!!!

Ready and Organize Teams  to managing yours properties.
